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Hönemann, K., Konopka, B., Wiesche, M. (2023): Designing an Augmented Reality Authoring Tool to Support Complex Tasks. A Design Science Study Using Cognitive Load Theory, International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology 2023 Proceedings.

Bräker, J., and Semmann, M. 2023. “Is There More Than Pokémon Go? – Exploring the State of Research on Causal Modeling in the Field of Augmented Reality”, Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, United States of America.


Bräker J., Osterbrink A., Semmann M., Wiesche M. 2022 „User-Centered Requirements for Augmented Reality as a Cognitive Assistant for Safety-Critical Services“, in Business and Information Systems Engineering (Elektronische Veröffentlichung vor Drucklegung).

Hönemann, K., Osterbrink, A., Wiesche, M. 2022. “Enabling Non-Professionals Users To Bring Physical Processes Into The Industrial Metaverse”, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bräker J., Hertel J., Briede M., Thies T., and Semmann M. 2022. “Augmented reality for manned hydrographic surveys – How Augmented Reality Can Leverage Water Depth Management in the Port of Hamburg”, in International Hydrographic Review (28), 205-211. https://doi.org/10.58440/ihr-28-n10

Konopka, B., Hönemann, K., Brandt, P., and Wiesche, M. 2022. “WizARd: A No-Code Tool for Business Process Guidance through the Use of Augmented Reality”, Proceedings of the Demonstration & Resources Track, Best BPM Dissertation Award, and Doctoral Consortium at BPM 2022 co-located with the 20th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2022, Münster, Germany. (To the BPM Project Website)

Bräker, J., and Semmann, M. 2022. “Dividing Complexity to Conquer New Dimensions – Towards a Framework for Designing Augmented Reality Solutions”, Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).

Bräker, J., Hertel, J., and Semmann, M. 2022. “Conceptualizing Interactions of Augmented Reality Solutions”, Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, United States of America.


Bräker, J., Osterbrink, A., Wiesche, M., and Semmann, M. 2021. “Anforderungen sicherheitskritischer Dienste an Augmented Reality-Lösungen – Wassertiefenmessung in einem Seehafen“, HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1365/s40702-021-00829-6 ).

Bräker, J., Hertel, J., Osterbrink, A., Briede, M., Baldauf, U., Wiesche, M., Steinicke, F., Semmann, M. 2021. “Augmenting Safety-Critical Processes – Requirements and Technologies for Soil Sounding in the Port of Hamburg”, 27th ITS World Congress, Hamburg, Germany.

Bräker, J., and Semmann, M. 2021. “How Does Business Process Modeling Reflect Augmented Reality-Based Processes?,” in Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). (https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2021/75).

Hertel, J., Karaosmanoglu, S., Schmidt, S., Bräker, J., Semmann, M. and Steinicke, F. 2021. “A Taxonomy of Interaction Techniques for Immersive Augmented Reality based on an Iterative Literature Review,” 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp. 431-440, (https://doi.org/10.1109/ISMAR52148.2021.00060).

Hertel, J., and Steinicke, F. 2021. “Augmented Reality for Maritime Navigation Assistance-Egocentric Depth Perception in Large Distance Outdoor Environments.” 2021 IEEE Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pp. 122-130. (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9417722).

Osterbrink, A., Bräker, J., Semmann, M., and Wiesche, M. 2021. “Requirements for Augmented Reality Solutions for Safety-Critical Services – The Case of Water Depth Management in a Maritime Logistics Hub,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik. (https://aisel.aisnet.org/wi2021/TDigitalServices/Track07/4/).


Grotherr, C., Li, M. M., Schymanietz, M., Fritzsche, A., Semmann, M., Peters, C., Böhmann, T., Leimeister, J.M. & Möslein, K. M. 2020. Gestaltungsdimensionen der Digitalisierung–Wie Dienstleistungssysteme den Wandel antreiben und welche Faktoren eine Rolle spielen. In Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung (pp. 277-325). Springer Gabler, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Klinker, K., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2020. “Smart Glasses in Health Care: A Patient Trust Perspective,” in Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020 (HICSS), pp. 3548–3557. (https://doi.org/10.24251/hicss.2020.435 ).


Deutsches Institut für Normung 2019. “DIN SPEC 33453 Entwicklung digitaler Dienstleistungssysteme,” Berlin: Beuth Verlag. (https://dx.doi.org/10.31030/3085072)

Grotherr, C., Wagenknecht, T., and Semmann, M. 2019. “Waking Up a Sleeping Giant: Lessons from Two Extended Pilots to Transform Public Organizations by Internal Crowdsourcing,” in Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany, December 15-18, 2019. (https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2019/digital_government/digital_government/2/)

Klinker, K., Obermaier, J., and Wiesche, M. 2019. “Conceptualizing Passive Trust: The Case of Smart Glasses in Healthcare,” in Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019. (https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2019_rip/60/).

Klinker, K., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2019. “Development of a Smart Glass Application for Wound Management,” in Extending the Boundaries of Design Science Theory and Practice: 14th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2019, Worcester, MA, USA, June 4-6, 2019 : Proceedings, B. Tulu, S. Djamasbi, and G. Leroy (eds.), pp. 157–171. (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-19504-5_11).

Klinker, K., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2019. “Digital Transformation in Health Care: Augmented Reality for Hands-Free Service Innovation,” Information Systems Frontiers : A Journal of Research and Innovation. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-019-09937-7).

Vogel, P., Grotherr, C., and Semmann, M., 2019. “Leveraging the Internal Crowd for Continuous Requirements Engineering: Lessons Learned from a Design Science Research Project,” in Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, Juni 8-14, 2019. (https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2019_rp/4)


Grotherr, C., Semmann, M., and Böhmann, T. 2018. “Engaging Users to Co-Create – Implications for Service Systems Design by Evaluating an Engagement Platform,” in Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA, January 3-6, 2018. (https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/50021)

Grotherr, C., Semmann, M., and Böhmann, T. 2018. “Using Microfoundations of Value Co-Creation to Guide Service Systems Design – A Multilevel Design Framework,” in Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, California, USA, December 13-18, 2018. (https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2018/service/Presentations/8/)

Huck-Fries, V., Pflügler, C., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2018. “Innovationshemmnisse für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen,” in Management digitaler Plattformen: Konzeption und Realisierung eines offenen Ökosystems für intelligente Mobilitätsdienste in der Smart City, M. Wiesche, P. Sauer, J. Krimmling, and H. Krcmar (eds.), pp. 297–312. (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-21214-8_19“>https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-21214-8_19).

Klinker, K., Berkemeier, L., Zobel, B., Wüller, H., Huck-Vries, V., Wiesche, M., Remmers, H., Thomas, O., and Krcmar, H. 2018. “Structure for Innovations: A Use Case Taxonomy for Smart Glasses in Service Processes,” in Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2018: Data Driven X – Turning Data into Value ; Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, 6. – 9. März 2018 (Vol. 4), P. Drews, B. Funk, P. Niemeyer, and L. Xie (eds.), pp. 1599–1610. (http://mkwi2018.leuphana.de/wp-content/uploads/MKWI_219.pdf).

Przybilla, L., Klinker, K., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2018. “A Human-Centric Approach to Digital Innovation Projects in Health Care: Learnings from Applying Design Thinking,” in PACIS 2018 Proceedings: PACIS 2018 – Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are We Ready?, M. Tanabu and D. Senoo (eds.). (https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2018/226/).

Przybilla, L., Schreieck, M., Klinker, K., Pflügler, C., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2018. “Combining Design Thinking and Agile Development to Master Highly Innovative IT Projects,” in Projektmanagement Und Vorgehensmodelle 2018, PVM 2018: Der Einfluss Der Digitalisierung Auf Projektmanagementmethoden Und Entwicklungsprozesse : Gemeinsame Tagung Der Fachgruppen Projektmanagement (WI-PM) Und Vorgehensmodelle (WI-VM) Im Fachgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik e.V. in Kooperation Mit Der Fachgruppe IT-Projektmanagement Der GPM e.V. : 15. Und 16. Oktober 2018 in Düsseldorf, M. Mikusz, A. Volland, M. Engstler, M. Fazal-Baqaie, E. Hanser, and O. Linssen (eds.), pp. 113–124.

Wüller, H., Behrens, J., Klinker, K., Wiesche, M., Krcmar, H., and Remmers, H. 2018. “Smart Glasses in Nursing – Situation Change and Further Usages Exemplified on a Wound Care Application,” in German Medical Data Sciences: A Learning Healthcare System : Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the German Association of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (gmds e.V.) 2018 in Osnabrück, Germany – GMDS 2018, U. Hübner, U. Sax, H.-U. Prokosch, B. Breil, H. Binder, A. Zapf, B. Strahwald, T. Beißbarth, N. Grabe, and A. Schöler (eds.), pp. 191–195. (https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-896-9-191).


Huck-Fries, V., Wiegand, F., Klinker, K., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2017. “Datenbrillen in der Wartung: Evaluation verschiedener Eingabemodalitäten bei Servicetechnikern,” in Informatik 2017 – Bände I-III: Tagung vom 25.-29. September 2017 in Chemnitz, M. Eibl and M. Gaedke (eds.), pp. 1413–1424. (https://doi.org/10.18420/in2017_141).

Klinker, K., Fries, V., Wiesche, M., and Krcmar, H. 2017. “CatCare: Designing a Serious Game to Foster Hand Hygiene Compliance in Health Care Facilities,” in Designing the Digital Transformation: DESRIST 2017 Research-in-Progress Proceedings, A. Maedche, J. vom Brocke, and A. Hevner (eds.), pp. 20–28. (https://cora.ucc.ie/handle/10468/4438).


Greule, R., Briede, M. Ehrlitzer, A., Kuhr, M., Schlenger, J. & Wessolowski, N. 2016. “Simulation psychologischer Blendung mit Head Mounted Displays (Discomfort glare simulation with head mounted displays),” LICHT 2016 Tagungsband – Proceedings, Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft e. V., Karlsruhe, 25. – 28. September, pp. 579-586. (https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000057817).


Semmann, M., and Böhmann, T. 2015. “Post-Project Benefits Management in Large Organizations – Insights of a Qualitative Study,” in Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, December 13-16, 2015. (http://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2015/proceedings/PracticeResearch/6/)


Zolnowski, A., Semmann, M., Amrou, S., and Böhmann, T. 2012. “Identifying Opportunities for Service Productivity Improvement Using a Business Model Lens – Lessons From Corporate Education Services,” In: The Service Industries Journal (33:3-4), pp. 409-425. (http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/qFp3nNPK4Dvf3yAWjPiJ/full)